Sacramental Program

Family Focused
Parish Based
School Supported

As part of a comprehensive Religious Education Program staff teach the knowledge component for each of the sacraments in the appropriate year. Reconciliation traditionally happens in Year 3, First Communion in Year Four and Confirmation in Year Six. At the completion of these units’ parents will be sent a certificate to present to their parish to show their child has completed the knowledge component of each sacrament.

As the primary educators of their children, parents, with the support of their local parish, take the leading role in developing their child’s religious and faith life and work together to prepare students to receive the sacraments.

Sacramental programs exist in all parishes. If your child is in Year Three, Four or Six we encourage you to contact your parish at the start of the year (usually in the first week of February) to register your interest in being part of their Sacramental Program. If you are unsure of your parish, please click here to source your parish.

The dates of our proximal parish sacramental celebrations are in our College Calendar but you will need to contact your local parish to confirm the dates of their sacramental celebrations.

Our Proximal parishes are:


Our Lady Help of Christians in East Victoria Park

St Joachim’s Church in Victoria Park

Sacrament of Penance

This sacrament, sometimes called the Sacrament of Reconciliation, is usually the first sacrament received after Baptism. People traditionally receive the sacrament twice a year but can be received many times. Unlike Reconciliation in the past, it is no longer carried out in the confessional room at the back of the Church but in an open space usually on the altar or somewhere in the church or chapel. Reconciliation can also be held outside in a recognised space. Catholics believe that God has the power to forgive sins and repair our relationship with Christ. This sacrament is considered a Sacrament of healing as the recipient takes the time to reflect on what it means to be a good person and how they can repair their relationship with God and with others. Through the priest they receive God’s forgiveness and reflect on ways they can live a better life. The priest will also encourage participants to work to repair their relationships with others. Reconciliation is traditionally taught at Ursula Frayne in the first five weeks of term 2 in Year Three.

Sacrament of the Eucharist

Catholics participate in this sacrament when they attend mass and receive Holy Communion. This sacrament is usually taught at Ursula Frayne in the first five weeks of term 2 in Year Four and parishes traditionally hold their First Communion Masses on the Feast of Corpus Christi. Catholics believe that when we receive Holy Communion, we receive the body and blood of Christ, for this reason it is sometimes called the ‘source and summit of our faith’. At Ursula Frayne all students are given the opportunity to attend mass regularly.

Sacrament of Confirmation

The Sacrament of Confirmation is when students confirm the baptismal promises made for them by their parents. It is traditionally seen as a coming-of-age sacrament when young people commence their journey into adulthood in the Church. Catholics believe that people receive the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit during this sacrament and can draw on these gifts to live full lives of goodness and purpose. At Ursula Frayne this sacrament is traditionally taught in the first five weeks of Term Two in Year Six.

Students on the secondary school campus who wish to be involved in a sacramental program will also need to contact their local parish. They may be invited to participate in an RCIA program (The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults). In this case the sacraments are usually given together during the Easter Vigil Mass on Saturday evening or at a time arranged with the parish.