Pastoral Care

At Ursula Frayne Catholic College, pastoral care is everyone’s business because all of our students are all of our students. It is both an individual and a collective responsibility in which every member of the College community is responsible for creating a positive pastoral climate. Therefore, it is vital that all members – students, staff, and parents – work together to care for each other and nurture Frayne Graduates.

Click below for an overview of Pastoral Care at our College.

“I will give you shepherds after my own heart, who will lead you with knowledge and understanding.”

Pastoral Care includes the decisions, structures and practices taken to challenge, nurture and support individuals whilst maintaining the dignity of each one, honouring the richness of diversity as each person ‘is created in the image and likeness of God’. (CCC para. 1701)

Pastoral Care is something that happens in every interaction at Ursula Frayne Catholic College as we encourage all students to feel safe, connected, valued and able to achieve their best in a learning and faith sharing community that is Christ centered and child focused.

We want our college to be a place of wellbeing and for all our students to ‘live life to the full’ (John 10:10) so for all these reasons, the following process and structures have been developed for our sub-schools:

Wellbeing Services works closely with all Heads of Schools to promote overall wellbeing in the College and to develop ways to support individuals who most need care. Students can contact the Wellbeing Team individually, but most students are referred to the team through the traditional pastoral care processes established above. The Wellbeing Team is comprised of the Head of Ministry, the College Psychologist, and the College Counsellor. Pastoral Care is also supported by Student Services across both the Balmoral and Duncan Campuses.