The fundamental purpose of the Catholic school is to evangelise. That is, to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ. There are essentially two aspects to evangelisation. The first is knowledge. The knowledge component is addressed through formal instruction in religious education where students learn about Scripture, the Bible and Church teachings and are assessed, like any other academic subject, on their knowledge and understanding. The second is faith. Faith formation is crucial if students are to integrate the knowledge with their culture and life. That is, to give witness to the Gospels through their words and actions in everyday life. Students are not assessed in their faith, but are given opportunities to develop and express their faith through liturgies, Mass, prayer, retreats and community service.

There are at least three levels at which people can be influenced in their faith development: the family, the Church and the School. The latter two can be important sources of encouragement and support for individual families. The Family is central to faith formation. The family is the most important influence on the faith formation of both children and adults.
Ursula Frayne Catholic College seeks to give Christian witness, first in the way that the school community welcomes students and their families, and second, students should experience school as an extension of their own homes, the climate being a humanly and spiritually enriching one. This is an important way for the school community to support parents in their own responsibility to provide Christian witness to their children.
Our College aims to assist parents who wish to develop their children as Christian men and women. In addition, the College aims to support parishes with their responsibility of supporting parents as the first educators of their children.
There are numerous faith formation opportunities for parents and students including:
- The Sacramental program
- Easter Liturgies
- Mothers’ and Grandmothers’ Day Mass and Morning Tea
- Fathers’ and Grandfathers’ Day Liturgy and Breakfast
- Family Day Liturgy and Picnic
- Frayne Day Mass
- Daily Prayers
- Year Level Retreats
- Christian Service Learning Activities
- Class/Year level Masses and Liturgies
- Parent forums and workshops
- Class Meditations
For evangelisation to be effective, it is imperative that family, parish and school work together.