
Ursula Frayne College is a Catholic community committed to providing an environment in which students and staff can thrive. Whether teaching or non-teaching, all staff have a major role to play in our mission to offer quality Catholic education. Applicants must be fully supportive of the objectives and ethos of Catholic education.

Applicants must submit a curriculum vitae, addressed to the Principal, including the names and contact numbers of three referees, one of whom must be the most recent employer.  A Department of Education Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check (NCCHC) must also be included for all non teaching positions.  The appropriate form is available from the Department of Education and Training website.

On appointment, successful applicants will be required to provide a Working with Children Check (WWC). Application forms are available at certain Australia Post Outlets throughout the State. A list of participating Australia Post outlets can be found on the Australia Post website. An application for a WWC must be made in person.

Applications should be marked confidential and addressed to:

The Principal
Ursula Frayne Catholic College
15 Duncan Street

Applications should be emailed to: employment@ufcc.wa.edu.au

Relief Vacancies

If you would like to be placed on our register of Relief staff please complete the appropriate form in the table below and the Applicant Employment History Form. Please submit these along with a copy of your curriculum vitae, any relevant qualifications, a Department of Education Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check and a current Working with Children Card.